Request an estimate or quote.
Tell us about the scope of what you have in mind to get started. We are happy to provide customization and flexibility in the delivery of all our services. We stand by our estimates and quotes.
What do I need?
Do you need a writer or editor? Are you planning to translate a report, instruction manual, product packaging, advertising campaign, website or anything else from English to French? Do you want to make sure that an existing translation is adequate? Would you like a communication workshop? Would you like to obtain an estimate of the cost you can expect to incur for these types of services? For our translation services, if you provide the information below, we will provide you an estimate.
Document Type and Length
import_contacts What is your document? How many pages or words are there in your document ?
Vocabulary Complexity
swap_calls Does your document contain technical, scientific vocabulary and industry jargon?
Format Requirements
format_size Do you need your document in a specific format, using a particular software?
Delivery Date
insert_invitation When do you need the translation done? Are you flexible on delivery date? Is it urgent?